Aid in the repairing of body cells and minimise stool stench.
Supports Skin & Coat health.
Aixia Miaw Miaw Creamy Tuna Healthy Skin & Coat Cat Treats is a creamy treat paste that contains vital vitamins that can help to slow the ageing process of your cat.
Aixia Miaw Miaw Creamy Tuna Healthy Healthy Skin & Coat Cat Treats contains Vitamin E which supports the repairing of your cat’s body cells and minimises stool stench.
Enriched with I-Peptide, Aixia Miaw Miaw Creamy Tuna Healthy Healthy Skin & Coat Cat Treats helps your cat to relieve stress and increase their appetite.
Ingredients Fish (Tuna maguro, Fish extract, Fish peptide, Fish collagen peptide), Oil (Olive oil, DHA oil) Protein hydrolysate, Lactosucrose, Thickening agent (Modified starch, Jelly agents), Seasoning, Vitamine E.